Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen is a Reformed Baptist church located in the community of Hilton, Woodside and Tillydrone. You are warmly welcome to come along to any of our meetings to learn more about who Jesus Christ is and what the Christian faith is all about. You can also listen to sermons from our church by clicking here.

We are made to know and Glorify God but we have turned from Him in sin and face the consequence of eternal punishment in hell. Therefore, we rejoice that our God is a God of GRACE in sending His Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of all who repent and believe in Him.

Upon profession of your faith in Jesus Christ, a believer is BAPTISED by immersion in water. This symbolises you dying to your old sinful self by going under the water and in coming up out of the water this is the symbol of our new life in Jesus Christ.

Every professing believer who is baptised upon profession of faith is then to be added to the local CHURCH. This is not about a place that we go to but a people that we belong to. This people is the bride of Christ who meet together to worship the Lord in fellowship seeking to grow and serve together in faith.

If you would like to give to the work of Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen then you can do so by clicking on the link below: